Sunday, February 8, 2009

Welcome to High School Sports (A Year Early)

Chandler makes 2 baseball teams in 1 week. We have a potential All Star on our hands. We are so proud of Chandler, he has been working so hard lately to stay on top of his game. He played in the fall ball league as soon as we got to Charleston SC. After the season was up he attended 2 hitting clinics and competed in a hitting league at Pro Level Sports. The big pay off was the news we recieved this past week which was: 1) He has been selected to play on the Pro Level Sports travel team and 2) A call from his future High School (Ashley Ridge) to play on their JV team. The High School coach was anxious to take a look Chan but told us not to get high hopes because the number of kids trying out were around 40. He made it through 2 cuts and is now a part of their active roster. The school is new for this year and we are looking for Chan's team to bring home the first JV trophey for the school. Way to go Chan "da man" !!

1 comment:

Grandma Donna & Grandpa said...

Hey Chan & Dad, Just wanted you to know Chandler, that Grandpa & I are VERY, VERY proud of your accomplishments, making not one but two teams,and the one for JV in a high school you don't even attend yet . . WOW!! We are proud of ALL the adjustments you made in the move to SC. New town, new school, new people, new ballteam & coaches, NEW LIFE. You deserve to be proud! You've grown-up a lot since we last saw you in July. I thank God daily, that you were around to help Mom when Dad wasn't walking. I know life sometimes, gets CRAZY & things don't always go your way. But, remember to also be proud that you have good parents, who do the best they can, to give you some of these opportunities. Thank God for your family, & the blessings for the talent you have to play good baseball! OR should I say "GREAT" baseball. Go get um CHAN, do the best you can, & take ONE day at a time! Don't buckle to peer pressure, do what your heart tells you is the RIGHT thing & you will NEVER have anything to hide or be ashamed of. I'll get off my soapbox now. Goodnight, pleasant dreams! Love ya, Grandma K. & Grandpa too!!!