Monday, October 20, 2008

Test, Test ;; Breaker Breaker one-nine

Finally, I reset the password on this silly blog. Chan and I are up and running. Alot has happened since last time we posted. Jen's blog has kept you all in the loop on our excitement. Here is a pic of Chan that sums up what he has been doing since our last post. Haha :-)

1 comment:

Grandma Donna & Grandpa said...

GO AHEAD BREAKER . . you've go the "Chest"nut here. Seems like you guys never stop. Maybe that's the reason why Chan likes to take naps and sleep in!!! Smokey's goin' west bound and we need to do a 10100 . .Good buddy. Catch ya later on down the road! Keep your motor runnin' catch ya on the highway, lookin' for adventure . . . (Iforgottherest!) Luv ya . . . Mom & Dad K.